How do we integrate empirical studies into the software engineering curriculum?

Posted by elbaum | Posted on 09-07-2011


Interesting reading:

C. Wohlin, “Empirical Software Engineering: Teaching Methods and Conducting
Studies”, in Empirical Software Engineering – Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings (LNCS
4336), pp. 135-142, edited by V. Basili, D. Rombach, K. Schneider, B. Kitchenham,
D. Pfahl and R. Selby, Springer Verlag, 2007.

What are most effective empirical strategies you have seen employed to conduct software engineering studies? What are the factors that may influence your choice of strategy when conducting your research?

Posted by elbaum | Posted on 09-07-2011


One strategy that is extremelly effective is “incrementalism”. The idea is not to take a big-bang approach to the design and implementation of a study but ratherto conduct a series of studies, refined over a period of time, addressing some of the threats that are found and incorporating more context and variables of interest.

Shari Pfleeger had an interested article related to this topic in IEEE Computer October 1999 entitled “albert Einstein and Empirical Software Engineering”. (doi>10.1109/2.796106).

What are the most effective ways to increase the relevance of the studies we conduct? What are the greatest obstacles?

Posted by elbaum | Posted on 08-04-2011


There are at least three key elements that make a study relevant.

First, a relevant study pursues a research question that matters to practitioners or that might affect groups of researchers or both. Very often I see very well conducted studies, with careful designs and implementations, but the question being asked is either uninteresting or inconsequential making the study just a good exercise in empirical software engineering. With some many good questions left to answer this is a really a shame.

Second, a relevant study can teach us something. A study that provides a new data point can contribute to the body of knowledge, a study that confirms a hypothesis in a new context can extend what we know, a study that challenges an existing assumption can change the way we think or work. Clearly, there is a spectrum or relevance depending on the level of contribution of each piece of work. Not all studies will challenge the status-quo but those that do so soundly are often very relevant.

Third, for a study to be relevant it must be disseminated it in the right venues, to the right audience. Two natural tendencies make this harder than it sounds. First, we often send our work to venues that we are familiar with even when the best targets of our studies might be domain-specific venues where we can reach more relevant folks.   Second, we are used to a presentation style that may not be appropriate for all venues yet reusing that style is often “cheaper” (in the short term at least). These myopic tendencies can render the best studies “invisibles” to the relevant audience.

What are the guiding principles you use when reporting the results of empirical studies in software engineering?

Posted by elbaum | Posted on 07-05-2011


A key guiding principle for reporting is transparency, and for me that means making the raw data available, following a standard reporting format, and describing the context of the study as much as possible.

I am pushing so that every paper we publish that contains any empirical component  makes all the raw data available in the web in a format that is easily readable/processable by others. I find that, even when papers include what I would deem as complete sets of tables and figures, as a reseacher I often have questions or doubts that require to dig a bit deeper on an aspect of the work and that often requires access to the raw data. Besides, that is completely necessary for reproducing some studies.

Over the years of performing empirical studies on testing and analysis techniques I have developed and convereged towards a standard reporting structure. I believe the consistency of a standard report makes papers easier to follow since  readers know what to expect and where to expect it,  and if it is not there then it will raise some questions. It is kind of neat to see that that type of format has pretty much propagated throughout the testing and analysis community in the last 10 years (even in the late 90s it was ok for a T&A paper with an empical component not to state its limitation or threats).

What are the most common types of threats to validity in empirical studies in software engineering you have witnessed? What are the most challenging to overcome?

Posted by elbaum | Posted on 07-05-2011


I think that one of the most critical and also one of the hardest threats to address in practice is the internal threat due to researcher bias. In software engineering it is common for researchers to perform experiments and studies of their own approaches (e.g., algorithms, techniques, processes.) By definition, this is biased. We all have a desire for our approach to succeed and even when we try very hard our preferences may lead to decisions that affect the outcome of a study.

Ideally we would like for the approaches we create to be evaluated by others that have no stake in the outcome.  In practice, however, the time and cost of conducting studies, and the speed by which technical progress happens, makes self-evaluation the standard practice.

One mitigating practice in our community is to compare the proposed technique or approach against others, and perhaps use standard methods and artifacts to avoid selecting the “right context for my tool”.  But again, that fails to address a lot of things happenning under the hood as the study is conducted and reported.

Note that systematic reviews address this issue only tangentially as they work with existing repoted data that may already be biased.

Why and how did empirical software engineering get started?

Posted by elbaum | Posted on 04-14-2011


Perhaps the most recognized pioneer in the field is Victor Basili ( who not only published some of the earlier work in the area in one o the first “empirical” laboratories (NASA Software Engineering Laboratory) but also founded the Empirical Software Engineering Journal ( and lead the formation of a community in empirical software engineers (ESEM, ISERN …). He started to work in this area in the early 70′s.One of the first software engineering paper with “Experimental” in the title: “A controlled experiment quantitatively comparing software development approaches”, Basili and Reider, TSE 1981, is actually a very good read.

Dr. Basili argues that understanding a discipline involves observation, model building,  experimentation, encapsulation of knowledge, and evolving knowledge over time. Software engineering is just like any other discipline, requiring an empirical approach to be understood. That is why we have empirical software engineering. What is unique about it is that it applies to software products and processes.